Listen Carefully

By Jonathan Brownson –

On Tuesday, September 2, the sanctuary of the church was full of people waiting to register for our monthly Feeding America distribution.

While our friends from the neighborhood were waiting in line for food, Earl, our volunteer general contractor, was waiting, too. He had come to talk about replacing the carpet in our sanctuary.  He had also come that day, without realizing it, to talk to Tracey about our hearing loop system.  Cal also “just happened” to be there volunteering.

Cal had his hearing aids; Earl had the afternoon free, and Tracey, who installed our hearing loop system, “happened” to be there.  With Cal there, Earl and Tracey could test our hearing loop system, which hadn’t been working for years.

What did they find with their investigation?  Our system was shot. Our members with hearing impairments were getting no help.   We were handing out food for the body, but no food for the souls of hearing-impaired hearts.

Tracey told us we would have to install a new system when we had the carpet replaced, which we had already scheduled for Monday, September 8.  How much would the installation of a new hearing loop cost? $1,000?  Could we afford that cost?  We didn’t have an answer to those questions.

Christ, too, had been listening.  On Friday, September 4, Ben, co-chair of our campaign, called to say that he had a friend, who wanted to make a contribution of….$1,000.

People who come into the sanctuary with hearing aids are going to get some help, starting Monday, September 8, when we not only install new carpet but also a new hearing loop system.

What about the rest of us? Are there some things God might want all of us to hear?